30 Days of Yoga



September often signifies the start of a new beginning – for some it’s back to school and getting back into a routine or changing up your workout routine as you realise that the C word is just around the corner and potential party dresses must be worn.

For me, September saw me think VERY hard about starting this blog and taking up a new challenge – 30 Days of Yoga with Adriene.

About 15 years ago I started doing yoga after work in Malmesbury and really enjoyed it – I did the class once a week for about 4 years until I changed my job to closer to home and the 30 minute drive back to Malmesbury didn’t seem justifiable for JUST a yoga class.

Fast forward 2 years I joined my gym where they had a weekly yoga class – this was my opportunity to give it another whirl.  I found the class great fun (& was shocked by once simple postures were now torturous!) however it was a popular class which got really busy.  It required some super organisational skills to get on involving calling at the crack of dawn a week in advance!  Due to the popularity, they did introduce another class but it’s on a Friday evening and frankly that clashes with Wine O’clock in the house of the HappyWiseOwl!!

SOOOO after being on and off my yoga mat for the last 10 years or so and hearing about Yoga with Adriene on Twitter, I thought I’d give 30 Days of Yoga a whirl so on 1st September, I dusted off my yoga mat, set up the iPad and started the challenge.


This is Connie “helping” me with my yoga yesterday

What I love about these videos is that they range from 10 minutes through to 30 minutes and Adriene gives lots of alternatives to help you “find what feels good” so I wasn’t feeling too bad when I couldn’t do some of the positions that she made look so easy!!

Yoga is fab for just about everything including improved flexibility, more strength, better concentration, improved posture, the list goes on and on.  I’m particularly rubbish at stretching after I’ve been to a spin or HIIT class or if I’ve been in the gym so doing this every day has been amazing at MAKING me stretch and recover from intense exercise.

I’ll admit the first week or so was tricky in terms of getting back into my yoga groove plus actually remembering that I was doing the programme and sometimes found I was trying to sneak in a quick practice at 10pm just to ensure I’d ticked that day off the list.  However the more I did the videos, the more I loved it and the more I actually WANTED to spend some time on the mat.

There were definitely mixed feelings on Day 30 – sad that I’d reached the end but a sense of accomplishment that I’d actually stuck with it and have decided to do the programme again and find what feels good!!.  (Currently on Day 6 – Ab Challenge!)



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