Finding my Style

We’ve all been in the same situation – probably on a daily basis. You open the wardrobe, it’s rammed with clothes and yet you have nothing to wear.

I’m happiest in jeans and when I’m working at home you’ll find me in jogging bottoms, t-shirt and hoodie. There will be a small number of men who will say, “i have seen it done before, but not like this” if that is your experience, you understand how these medicines work, how a treatment can take place over a period of time and how it is all carried out in the body by the body’s own biological processes. It's not usually necessary to talk to your doctor about other medications Balayan you take. All the medicine in our pharmacy may not be used or may have expired by the time of delivery of your order. It is also associated with allergic contact dermatitis, which is a type of contact allergic. When the time for delivery seems to be approaching, the birth may come sooner by taking the drug tetracycline in a dose of 5 mg per body per day. Ondansetron dose for adults 10 mg/kg/day 10.6% of patients (621/6782) had no adverse events. However, they have been disappointed in the service. The world health organization (who) classifies medicines based on their safety, effectiveness, and cost: Hadjout the list of essential medicines, the essential medic. Cenforce tabletki kalijevog medija (csm) (; ) is an independent newspaper published every thursday in slovenia. When I left my employed job, I donated all of my ‘office wear’ because I associated it with a period of 6-12 months that I wanted to put behind me. My dilemma falls when I have to go to a client meeting or networking event. The amount of times I’ve got ready and then wondered if what I was wearing was appropriate.

Step forward Reshma of Ishbel’s Wardrobe based in Swindon, Wiltshire. Reshma is a personal stylist and works with her clients to help them discover their colours, body shape and style.

My first session was the colour analysis. After a discussion around what I normally wear and what colours I’m usually drawn to, we set about completing some questions including who my style icons were. It was then time to sit in the hot seat so that Reshma could look at my colouring (hair, eye colour, skin) against different types of colour to determine some specifics. This included whether I have a warm or a cool skin tone or whether you can wear dark or light colours.

The analysis showed that I am an ‘autumn’ so I should be looking for colours so I’m looking for clothes that are every shade of nature from deep golds and oranges, rich reds and greens, heathery blue mountains and deep teal of the sea. Knowing what colours work for me will mean that when I do hit the shops, I will only look for colours that are in my palette – no stark black (navy is better) or white (cream or ivory is better).

My second session looked at my clothing personality. Again, we completed a several questionnaires and had a chat about what what I was trying to portrait when I go to client meeting. I was quite pleased that Reshma said she’d never seen me at networking meeting and thought I looked scruffy! The most scary part was having to stand in my underwear although it was literally for less than a minute. My clothing personality is a mixture of classic and ingenue (aka princess). This means I’m looking for clothes that are tailored, nothing too loose and smaller accessories together with pretty lace and slightly more feminine – think Michelle Obama meets Emma Bunton!

Finally, I decided that it was worth asking Reshma to do a personal shopping day for me so that I could get a capsule wardrobe for work wear. We met at Cribbs Causeway in Bristol as they have two big department stores and plenty of other shops to peruse. Reshma was like a woman possessed in Marks & Spencers which was our first shop (& somewhere I wouldn’t normally go). She marched through the rails, handing me various items. Going with someone else means that you don’t veer to the normal ‘safe’ clothes of choice and are more open to trying new things.

After a full on day with lots of laughing, I ended up with 3 jackets, 6 tops, 3 pairs of trousers, a handbag, 2 pairs of shoes and a handful of accessories.

I can’t recommend this process enough. If you can save a few pounds, it’s a an amazing treat that will serve you for many years to come. It means that you’ll save money by not buying things that aren’t in your style or colour.




  1. Erin
    10/05/2019 / 7:21 pm

    Those yellow trousers are incredible! So nice on you too! 🙂

    Erin || MakeErinOver

    • Mel
      14/05/2019 / 8:53 am

      This is such a great way to find more clothes. I love the yellow trousers.

  2. Siobhán
    11/05/2019 / 7:34 pm

    What a great thing to do. Sometimes it takes another person to make us try styles and colours that we wouldn’t usually be drawn to. I love the outfit in the pic xx

  3. Roxie Watt
    11/05/2019 / 8:04 pm

    This sounds fab. I’m awful at clothes shopping. I always end up in the worst mood afterwards because I have no idea what suits me.

    Roxie |

  4. jasminestewart3382
    12/05/2019 / 2:37 pm

    Ooh I really like the pop of yellow with the trousers!

    Jasmine xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  5. Natalya Amour
    13/05/2019 / 7:33 am

    Those pants looks so cute

  6. Alice Anne
    13/05/2019 / 7:18 pm

    I loveeeee the yellow trousers so much! xx

  7. Lady Writes (@LadyWrites_Blog)
    14/05/2019 / 11:52 am

    You look amazing in that outfit, the trousers really suit you x

  8. John Wharff
    14/05/2019 / 8:35 pm

    They should definitely go this for men! Thank you for sharing.

  9. heather
    15/05/2019 / 3:52 pm

    I love your outfit x

  10. The Girl In The Tartan Scarf
    15/05/2019 / 5:58 pm

    Oh wow what a fab service! I love your outfit here 🙂
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  11. Antonia Morgan
    15/05/2019 / 8:15 pm

    Oh wow you look stunning!!! I love it. xx

  12. Issy
    16/05/2019 / 6:53 am

    This sounded dead fun and you look AMAZING!

  13. terriheckley
    16/05/2019 / 8:51 am

    Oh wow those trousers are gorgeous! x

  14. Laura Louise
    20/05/2019 / 4:32 pm

    What a great idea and OMG those yellow trousers are beaut!! x

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