Burgers on a Boat in Bristol (aka Three Brothers Burgers)

This weekend saw the ‘Siblings Unite’ – it’s quite tricky getting the three of us together as my sister is in Devon, my brother is in Norwich and I’m in Wiltshire.  My brother was home for the weekend (in Devon) so we took the opportunity on Sunday to all meet in Bristol for a catch up over some food.  As you know, I’m a keen supporter of all things local so wanted to find somewhere that could satisfy our requirements…not too pricey, had a good menu with lots of choice, maybe something a little different and of course, an independent rather than a chain.

I’d heard lots of good things about Three Brothers Burgers in Bristol so thought this would be ideal…delicious burgers, all served aboard a boat!  There are two levels on land and a level on the water.  Now, unfortunately we didn’t realise there was a level actually on the water until we’d finished our meal but we did sit on the decking outside as it was such a lovely sunny day.  You can’t book so we decided that we’d head straight there for an early lunch so arrived a little after 12.  By 1pm the place was rammed!  The staff are super friendly and it’s an incredibly relaxed atmosphere.

If you’re a beer drinker, then this is def a place to visit – there are LOADS of craft beers and ciders to try and if you’re a little perplexed on what to drink, they will happily provide you with a sample rather than order something you then have to force down.  With 2 of us driving, we all decided to opt for a soft drink…behold the milkshakes of dreams!!  One peanut butter for Sammy, one Oreo for Alex…


Onto the serious stuff…the burgers.  As luck would have it, at lunch time there is a deal where you get a classic burger, or a portobello mushroom burger and fries for a mere fiver.  Our waitress told us that our best bet was to take the deal and ‘pimp up’ our burgers with additional extra toppings.  Served on simple camping tin plates, they don’t look too special when they are delivered but oh…my…word…we all agreed that they were the best burgers we’d had in a LONG time.  Excellent quality meat, fresh lettuce and red onion and PLENTY of extra toppings.  I think Sammy had a whole block of halloumi on her burger!  The fries shouldn’t be overlooked either as these were fresh, crisp with plenty of salt.

I’d def return to Three Brothers Burgers – it would be great with a group of friends, especially if you can grab that lunchtime deal. You can view their menu here.

Burgers on a boat

Where’s your favourite place for burgers?





  1. teapartybeauty
    16/05/2017 / 2:19 pm

    Ahhh it’s a great idea for them to let you sample the beers first. I have fallen victim to the cool looking but tastes rank beer buying before haha

  2. Jess
    16/05/2017 / 3:04 pm

    Holy hell that all looks amazing, in particular the milkshakes omg! I look quirky places like this!

    Iamfoxxtailz | alternative style diary

    • happywiseowl
      28/05/2017 / 6:25 pm

      I could do with one of the milkshakes now!!! x

  3. Katie Middleton
    18/05/2017 / 10:56 am

    Oh my god it’s finally let me on your blog!! Yay, I’m so happy haha! That’s good that you can sample the beers – there’s nothing worse being stuck with a crappy beer/drink! Those milkshakes look so yummy soo!


  4. Lauren
    21/05/2017 / 4:14 pm

    Oh what a lovely looking spot! The burgers look amazing, making me really wish I had a burger right now ha. And that’s so great that they let you sample the beers first! I love craft beers but I never know which to get, so sampling them first would be very useful for me.

    Lauren | Lauren the Daydreamer

  5. Deimante Baurinaite
    24/05/2017 / 5:31 pm

    This place looks really cute and what a great price too! Also those milkshakes look SO good! If I’m ever in Bristol I’ll have to check it out 🙂

    • happywiseowl
      28/05/2017 / 6:21 pm

      The burgers were the BEST!!!! x

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