What is Love?

I’ve asked a couple of questions on the blog that have been super popular including What is Luxury? and What is Old?.  This time I’m asking What is Love? Love is possibly the strongest emotion we can feel.  You cannot control it and you cannot just switch it on and…

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What is Love

February 14th…Valentines Day…the day where cards and bouquets of flowers are delivered across the land. In all honesty I don’t necessarily agree with the consumerism side of the day – why do we need a particular day to tell our loved ones what they mean to us. It did however…

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I Will be Here #BEDM13

This piece of poetry was read at our wedding by John’s sister… Reading it back now, it still brings tears to my eyes as the words remain so true to us both. If in the morning when you wake, If the sun does not appear, I will be here. If…

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